Saturday, December 29, 2012

Two or Three Things I Know for Sure

From the Facebook status files, December 2012:
(Ryan) Hooray! After being buried 24 hours in a bowl of dry rice, Justin's wet digital camera now works fine again! Of course, now he's boxing on Wii Sports and coming dangerously close to punching the TV screen out.
(Adam) Erin gave us an air popcorn popper and I must say, the kids are finding this old school procedure absolutely riveting. Begone, Orville! You and your fat-laden microwave bags!
(Richard) Was just Skyping with Justice at Aunt Erin's. I asked what she's having for dinner tonight. She said "boogers".
(Ryan) Speculation seems to abound this morning on whether or not Tinkerbell wears panties. Justice is weighing in heavily in the "yes" camp, while Justin vehemently rejects it.
(Adam) Me: make sure you check in with me every so I know where you are.
Justin: Okay, i will check in with you every four minutes.
Me: Okay.
Justin: Daddy, how long is four minutes?
(Ryan) Basic female anatomy, as described at our house:
Justin (giggling): Justice has China.
Adam: What do you mean? China is a country.
Justice (disgusted with him, rolling her eyes): He means I have a pagina.
(Adam) Getting dressed for synagogue tonight and my daughter told me I wasn't dressed nice enough. She insisted I change. Oy vey.
(Ryan) Justice's pagina drew several happy comments at the bar mitzvah party we went to last night. There's no such thing as bad press.
(Ryan) Who is that screechy witch woman on the Power Rangers, and doesn't she understand it's 8:30 in the morning?
(Ryan) Breakfast. Power Rangers. Sunday School. Power Rangers. Lunch at Taco Bell. Power Rangers. New Bikes for Hanukkah. Power Rangers. I'm beginning to see a pattern emerge.
(Adam) Me: Justin, unbutton your pants before you take them off. You'll growing, and one day you'll just pop the button off.
Justin: So? If I'm growing, I won't be able to wear the pants then.
Me: Uh...
(Ryan) Justin, now a confirmed size 7, has a pair of size 6 skinny jeans he can barely zip up, but he refuses to part with them. He calls them "my cute jeans."
(Adam) Evening conversation:
Justice: Daddy, what kind of pizza dough do you like better, fresh or frozen?
Me: Fresh.
Justice: And there's a only a limited time left to get a new car.
Me: You know, you can skip commercials if you're watching the Tivo.
Justice: Oh. Yeah. (runs out of my office).
(Adam) J1 and J2 are sitting on the kitchen floor right now playing the dreidel game. Every tiime it lands on a gimel, the loser screams bloody murder.
(Ryan) Rock climbing in the moutains outside of Las Vegas. Thank you, God, for giving my children a playground of mountains.

(Adam) The scariest sentence heard at our house: "Daddy, guess what Justin did."
               * * * * * * *
The Scandinavian painter Edvard Munch, best known for The Scream (1893), once wrote, "I will no longer paint interiors of people reading and women knitting, but rather living beings who breathe and feel, suffer and love."

I hope that's what this online diary has been this year...a place to store our earliest family memories in real time, in real fashion, raw and fresh as they'll ever be.

A poster at the top of our stairs reads:

In this house, we do real.
We do mistakes.
We do I'm sorry.
We do second chances.
We do fun.
We do hugs.
We do foregiveness.
We do really loud.
We do family.
We do love.

We do all of these things, Daddy, Justin, Justice and me...some better than others, some with the inborn instinct of the billion lives and loves that came before us, some with the panic or patience of hopeful exhaustion, and some, quite frankly, with nothing but the awkward baby steps of four new souls born into a brand new universe together, stumbling and learning day by day, the best we can, to love and take care of each other.

I've learned a few things along the way.

First, children aren't accessories. They weren't put in this world to make my life complete and satisfy the picture-perfect family dream I once carried in my mind. It was apparent from day one that what I need has little to do with this. Starting at square one, this endeavor has been all about them, plain and simple. Rediscovering myself in the midst of such enormous change is a painful and joyous experience, like any radical rebirth would have to be. It's not about "how do I make them fit into my life," it's about "how can I make a new life for all of us, where we all fit each other." They have needs and expectations that far surpass my own. If that doesn't knock you on your ass and teach you humility, nothing will.

Secondly, friends will come and friends will go. Like any era, we circle in and out of each other's lives - "all my life's a circle," sang Harry Chapin - but perhaps that circle is never as sharply defined as when new children enter the picture. Some who we loved and counted as our closest friends removed themselves from our daily life entirely, with excuses of their own, but underneath, not quite sure how our new incarnation as a family fit into their comfort zone and past experience of us as a neat and unencumbered couple. Our two becoming four worked for many, but it did not work for all. And although we understand it, we miss their comfort and their company.

Other close friends became even dearer, filling our ears and hearts with incredible encouragement and compassion.

"Off into the sunset, I hope," I wrote in a photo I posted of me and Justice in Red Rock Canyon, bundled up in the afternoon chill, mountains behind us, mountains ahead, her on my shoulders, me trying, as I do every day, to carry an enormous new weight of responsibility like I've never known before.

"If someday this little girl loves me 1/100th as much as I love her right now," I wrote, "we will be just fine."

"She already does," Dale wrote back. "It's just locked inside, being obstructed by a lot of pain and uncertainty. But you're getting through it, and before you know it, it will catch you both by surprise. You've been a giant blessing to each other. It just takes a little time for it to show itself."

Those are the friends, the brothers and sisters, who last a lifetime.

I wrote a poem once, in baby-step transitioning days a long time ago that ended, "I'm standing right now on the edge of Nevada. Desert sun is a curious thing. Sometimes it burns, but sometimes I smile. There are no clouds here."

For Adam and me, days may be challenging, but the future is cloudless. As we welcome the continued solidity 2013 will bring for our new family, we have never been more fully convinced that we were meant to do this, and that all of us, the "4" in "Fly4You," are uniquely situated and uniquely qualified to continue on this combined, courageous journey. More and more sunlight just keeps breaking through.

We just don't care how people see us anymore.

"Two or three things I know for sure," wrote Dorothy Allison in her book of the same title, "One is that I'd rather go naked than wear the coat the world has made for me."

So that's my New Year's resolution. To no longer define ourselves in the world's language for us. Gay dads? Special needs kids? How about just  "family." That's what we are now. That's what we turned into. Labels mean nothing.

My son's name is Justin. My daughter's name is Justice.

And Adam and I will keep loving them and learning them for years. For a lifetime to come.

We're glad you came with us this year. This story is just beginning.

Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


We had a brisk and wonderful walk in the mountains this afternoon, and by "mountains," Justin means Red Rock Canyon, a conservation area 15 miles outside of Las Vegas run by the Bureau of Land Management. Its hiking trails and scenic driving loop draw over a million visitors a year (and at seven dollars a car, you think they could set up indoor plumbing on some of those trailheads instead of all those 20-year-old pit toilets, but I digress).

My sister, God love her, sat in the back seat with J1 and J2 all the way out there, all the way around the 14-mile loop and all the way back into town, crammed like a sardine into the 15-inch space between their buckle-up safety seats. Our well-travelled Hyundai Elantra is not nearly big enough for two dads, two kids and two new aunts down the street, but we make do and improvise, especially on a fine December afternoon when J2 heard the mountains calling his name.

My sister's name is "Auntie" to the kids, or sometimes "Aunt Erin."

"Auntie" is a longstanding term of endearment from my dad's side of the family. Aunt Peg, Aunt Mary, Aunt Barb, Aunt Ellie, Aunt Sue...they were all just "Auntie" to us nieces and nephews, and it delights me that my sister, who has always been "Bug" to me, has now inherited the title.

Erin hit the ground running when she arrived here in Las Vegas. It took her, what? Two? Three weeks to find a job? That's some happy hunting in a tanked economy. But land one she did, at a care facility that specializes, as she does, in taking care of Alzheimers and Dementia patients. And in her spare time, for fun, she takes on J1 and J2.

So we all hauled ourselves out to Red Rock this afternoon. It was predictably cold up in them-there hills. We stopped about midway through the scenic loop and got out of the car, the kids bundled up in their cute winter coats and their red and orange gloves. Adam and Erin yelled at me for not dressing warmer. I always forget a hat. Erin loaned me hers and said I looked like a prisoner out on furlough.

We hiked a half mile up a trail, Justin excited and wandering off the whole time, counting the dozens of holes in the ground where snakes and lizards and other desert critters dug in to hibernate for the winter.

"Here's another one!" he'd yell, and his joy was genuine.

Justice was only a tiny pair of eyes peeking out from under a massive gray scarf, dutifully putting up with this crazy hike of ours...wanting to be anywhere but out in the cold, but being a genuine good sport about it thanks to God, Risperidone and a healthy dose of good luck.

We took some pictures, labored our way up the trail, then turned around and came back. All said, not a long walk, but try it with J1 on your shoulders or J2 on your back and it always seems a little further. We sort of tag teamed, the three of, Adam, of us always with a kid in tow, on back or on shoulders. It's a hell of a way to walk on loose gravel. And I'm not sure what I dread more. A tiny voice saying "carry me," or the day I know that'll arrive too soon when they don't ask me anymore.

Aunt Jaime is back in Wisconsin for the holidays and she is missed. She is Justin's primary snuggle bunny, although "Auntie," Aunt Erin, will do in a pinch. Adam and I still don't get the same snuggles, but we're happy they found two beautiful women to share them with. They're important and they're needed and of course we sigh with wistful envy, but there's no way we can begrudge them that very particular outlet of love.

March 30, 2012

Dear Open Arms Adoption Agency of the JFSA,

It is not hard to recommend two people you love very much for the job of parenting, and
caring for two children.

I know that both Ryan and Adam have the qualities it would take to provide a safe and loving home. They are both kind, intelligent, sensitive, family oriented men who would build their lives around these children, and use their gifts of patience and humor to overcome whatever obstacles may come their way on this journey.

They have built a strong, solid, loving relationship over the last fifteen years that, I can only
imagine, would grow better and brighter with two little ones to love.

I can speak from experience when I tell you that my brother Ryan, being eight years older
than I, was more than a big brother. He was a father figure as well. He was my rock during a
difficult childhood.

Adam, who has become my brother, is one of the kindest, sweetest souls I have ever met, and
am so happy my brother is loved by him. I know they both have much more love to give and
would be ideal parents, especially to children who need to regain their carefree childhood.
Ryan and Adam would do everything possible to make that happen.

And finally, the one person who should be writing this letter is my daughter Jaime. She is
seventeen years old now, but has grown up with her two uncles caring for her and making her
feel very, very loved. As a single mother, it gave me a lot of peace to know they would be
there for her if she ever needed them, and they are the only two people in the world I would
trust to take care of her as well as I could.

Erin Malone

I love you, Bug.

We love you, Auntie.

Thank you for coming so far to share this amazing hike with us.

Welcome to the mountains.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Jackets, Joy and Wild Things

"The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another, his mother called him "Wild Thing!" and Max said, "I'll eat you up!" so he was sent to bed without eating anything."
-Maurice Sendak, "Where the Wild Things Are."

I was hanging jackets in the closet this morning.

To me, a jacket hanging on a chair or a stairway bannister is the OCD equivalent of an unflushed toilet. You dropped it in the right neighborhood and I give you credit for not doing it on the floor, but I still don't want to look at it. So daily, I find myself hanging up jackets, jackets, numerous jackets, all in a row, all in our little downstairs closet, and today I just stood there and admired them.

The kids each have about a dozen. There are light ones and heavy ones. Special ones that match their school uniforms and some really dirty ones that look like mud and food and magic markers. There are ones that look like leopard fur and ones that look like superheroes. Justice has a hooded one that looks like a zebra and Justin has one that looks like the Green Lantern. There are new ones, Savers ones, lots of hand-me-down ones. God bless Lily, Lucas and Gavriella, their older cousins...J1 and J2 will never want for warm, cozy comfort.

And, hangers in hand, I just stood there and admired them today.

Who would have thought sixteen years ago when Adam and I were struggling with a different kind of closet - we'd one day be married and parents of two wonderful children, staring at rack so bursting with jackets you can't see past the vacuum cleaner. And now here it is. Pretty birds, all in a row. Big jackets, little jackets, becoming a family.

The kids began their medications this week, and the difference has been night and day.

If you've been following our saga, you know it's been a difficult journey to get our children's medications approved by the Department of Family Services, a cumbersome body of disorganized bureaucrats whose intentions are good, but who don't have nearly enough staff or resources to pay attention and take proper care of the far-too-many children in their possession. And like it or not (and in our case, not) our kids are still firmly under the DFS bureaucratic thumb until a judge signs on the dotted line and tells the whole world otherwise. Please God, let it be soon.

Thanks to a well-meaning but ridiculously ill-thought-out snag in the system, ADHD/ODD kids can't have Ritalin, Risperidone or other psychotropic meds anymore if they're prescribed by their plain old family pediatrician. And this is probably good, since we live in an age where most doctors hand out Ritalin like candy. And since that's the unfortunate reality, foster kids, for their own protection, are required by Nevada law to have their ADHD/ODD meds prescribed by a psychiatrist instead.

This makes little or no sense in the case of our kids, who have severe behavioral disturbances and should have been on these medications before we even met them. First of all, our pediatrician sees our kids twice a month and knows exactly who they are and how they act. She's been in contact with us, she's been in contact with their teachers. Our psychiatrist (who we waited nearly three months to see), has known them for five minutes. But, oh well, water under the bridge - ain't nobody said life is easy - and when your kids are on Medicaid and only a handful of child psychiatrists in the city take it - you do what all the other kids in the system do. You wait your turn. For three long months, you line up and wait.

But praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, December 18 finally arrived, and the psychiatrist took one look at the two of them bouncing off the walls in his office and said to us, "I have no idea how you've handled this for six months without medication. This is severe."

He rolled his eyes at the inefficient, unhelpful, unheathful system, said "this is ridiculous" to the DFS nurse who had to accompany us to sign off, pulled out his pad, and without any hesitation whatsoever, "re-prescribed" the exact same meds our pediatrician would have given us three months ago, had the law of Nevada allowed her to do so.

So here we are, and thank God and Dr. Emannuel Nwapa, we can give you a good review this week of where the wild things are.

First of all, much of the wildness disappeared. Instantly.

The children didn't disappear, thank goodness. J2 is still our funny, adventurous, daring little J2. J1 is still our stubborn, independent, confident J1. But medication, thank God, took the edge off so much of all that was hurting and hindering them, we can't begin to summarize the improvement.

Right now, for instance, it's Saturday morning. And on a typical Saturday morning, we'd have already had five name callings, four competitive fights, three wild hittings, two tearful tantrums and a partridge flying for cover straight up the proverbial pear tree. Today, sheer bliss.

Justice is sitting at the coffee table doing word search puzzles. Word search puzzles are all the rage in our house all of a sudden. They've both been doing them by the boatload. Her book ran out this morning, and she politely asked me if I'd drive her to CVS Pharmacy and get her another one. "Politely" and "Justice" usually don't go together in the same sentence around here. Now we're getting it in droves.

Justin is playing Skylanders on the Wii. For the first time ever, he's sitting there playing the Wii, without crying, without throwing the controller across the room, without tantruming when Ingitor, Slam-Bam and Jet-Vac don't shake their groove things the way he wants them to.

My sister said last night, "Do you realize it's been three days since Justin has hit me?"

"Yeah," I said, coming to terms with the incredulousness. "Me too."

We both just stared at him from across the room, quietly doing his word search. After school, he'd gone straight to the table to read me There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell, a book at least a year over his grade level. This from the kid who four days ago, couldn't slow down enough to differentiate between "ran" and "run." Now he's patiently sounding out "she jingled and jangled and tickled as well."

No hits, no kicks, no biting. Still a few sibling arguments here and there, but regular sibling arguments now...not crazy sibling arguments.

In the car on the way to school, they sit quietly drawing or doing their puzzles. They don't hit each other, they don't aggrevate each other, they don't tease each other.

"It's like a regular car ride," Adam said, amazed after the third one in a row. "You know. The quiet kind."

When they get home, they do their homework and ask for more. They volunteer for additional online homework and sit there quietly and do it.

Who are these quiet, happy children?

Justice woke up three days in a row this week with a smile on her face. Not angry. Not growling. Not insulting me and calling me names. Just happy to be starting her day. She looked around at her toys and her room and said to Adam, "I have everything I want now."

That's amazing. That's a miracle.

Our friend Judy gave us mugs last night that say "iDad" and "iDaddy," and I had tea in mine this morning, for the first time content and happy about that title, not terrified by it.

I feel good for me, but bad for them. Imagine how easy this was, and how long it's been withheld from them because of procedural red tape. How stupid the system is that made these poor children wait this long for such easily available help.

"Let it go," Cindy, their grandmother, told me on the phone yesterday. "It doesn't serve anyone to dwell on that part. Don't put any more of your energy into feeling bad for what was. You can better spend it moving forward. They're being helped now and that's all that matters."

Around five o'clock, like clockwork, the meds wear off and they become regular, old-school Justice and Justin again. They tear around the neighborhood on their new Hanukkah bikes, jump all over the house and blow off steam and energy before dinner and bed. And yes, when the last dose fades away, they still tease and scream and whack the crap of each other. We haven't lost them at all. Medication has not made them zombies. It's only helped them, for a significant part of their day, be who they are capable of being underneath.

Underneath all the impulse and self-control problems they couldn't shake any other way. Not after years of therapy and every trick in the book. Every trick in every parenting book ever written. Night and day, friends. Night and day.

And of course this is not the magic bullet. The responsible, forward-thinking part of me knows we still have plenty of road ahead, and better living through chemistry sure as hell ain't gonna solve it all. But you know what? The difference this week has been so astounding and such a relief to two exhausted dads, screw it. This week, it is our magic bullet. And anybody who thinks otherwise, well, you haven't had enough wild things in your life yet.

"The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws, but Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye, and sailed back over a year, and in and out of weeks, and through a day, and into the night of his very own room, where he found his supper waiting for him. And it was still hot."

Medication is not 
the magic answer for everyone's child.

But for ours today, it feels like help.

It feels like hope.

And I'll take that and run with it.

"Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak ©1963 Harper Collins Publishers

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Snow and Gratitude

If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I bet they would live a lot differently. - Calvin & Hobbes

My friend Carol and I used to collect snow poems. I still have mine. I have so many. There's Philip Levine and Robert Frost and Edna St. Vincent Millay. There's one by Chase Twichell, who I never heard of before or since. There's one by my cousin Anne in Denmark, one by my cousin Donald who died, and one for the winter solstice by Edward Byrne. Some of them, Carol and I wrote ourselves. Some were special and some embarrassed us, but I kept them all.

Snow came to the tips of our mountains for the first time this year. Riding to school this morning, Justice and Justin were fascinated to see the mountantops covered in clouds. Two days of rain in the valley left our peaks in a haze of dark, floating cotton. Such a grey morning. Such a dark day.

Our kids' Hanukkah presentation took place at their school this morning and we were so proud of them. Watching Justin's face light up when he scanned the audience and finally spotted us brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful gift these children have been to me and Adam. What beautiful, irreplaceable treasures. I can not imagine now what I'd ever do without them.

Kindergarten, first, second, third and fourth grade. There they were en masse, up on stage in their shiny Shabbat uniforms. New blue tights and new blue ties. It took me forever to find a blue tie for Justin, and of course, he took it off the minute he was done. But that's okay. It was worth it. They sang "Light One Candle" by Peter, Paul and Mary. They sang "Mi Yimalel" and "Al HaNissim." So many children up on that stage. All incomparably beautiful and all blessedly safe.

And out of all the proud parents who came to watch our children today, none of us knew that 2,500 miles away in Newtown, Connecticut, where the forecast says it will snow on Sunday, the unspeakable was already happening.

"Stunned by the slaughter of innocents," Associated Press wrote later. And I guess, for something so horrific that makes completely no sense, that's as good a summary as any.

And I think how lucky I am to have my children warm and safe tonight. They're sleeping soundly on the living room floor right now, downstairs on their sleeping bags, as is their routine on Friday nights after Shabbat service.

Rabbi Mintz, one of my Melton studies teachers, sent us all an email tonight, paraphrasing Rabbi Naomi Levy, who wrote the following in "Talking to God."

"We are scared, God. Why did this have to happen? Why didn't You protect them? What is wrong with this world? We wish we could understand your silence, God. We wish we could make sense of the senselessness of their deaths. We wish we could have done something to save them, to protect them from harm. When we cry out against You, accept our protest, God, as a prayer too. As a call for You to give us the strength to rid this world of such pain and tragedy. When the nightmare of what they experienced invades our thoughts, watch over us, God; watch over Your world. Shelter us all with Your peace, Amen."

I am so lucky, God. I have two beautiful new children, and nothing harmed them today. Nothing hurt them or scared them or took them away from me. They're right downstairs, Justin snoring softly, and Justice burrowed into her sleeping bag, head covered to shut out his noise. Thank you God, for keeping my kindergartener and first grader safe today. Thank you for the simple and incredible gift of their ongoing life.

And still I'm thinking of snow in particular, that has nothing at all to do with the children who died today, but it does speak of family and loss, and children and snow. I wrote it for my friend Jenny, who lost her husband Chris in what now seems to me another lifetime ago. Somehow it seems to echo my sadness tonight. It may be fitting, it may be not, but since I can't get it out of my head, I'll leave it here and hope it reaches Newtown, and all the lost parents who await Sunday's sad snow.

You pushed me down in fresh snow that winter,
And struggling, we made angels together,
Flapping and flailing, pretending with wings,
Struggling and laughing at the depth of it all:
The humor in our teenage games,
The light the moon made,
And the inconsequentialness of our lives.
You and I in winter, never cold,
With wonder and promise and good springs to follow.

I took your name. You lived in me.
My heart was changed, stomped firm with your imprint.
Like boots in snow and prints on the walkway.
We made a different kind of love then.
I gave you sons.
We made different kinds of angels.

So how is it that you died today?
In the middle of this cold, sad winter?
So far from snow games?
So far from yesterday's springs?

Standing now at the edge of my driveway,
I stop to breathe and look up at the stars.
Alone as I'll ever be, I count them and cry.
In a rage unfair and a dream half-remembered,
I wonder which blink in the heavens is you.

Snow starts to fall.
Somewhere in the world, angels form.
They take their shapes and play their harps
On leaves and lawns and lonely snow.

I hold out my hand to catch the first flake,
But all I can feel is you.

Thank you God, for keeping us safe today.

For those who died, we send our love.

Amen and amen.

Shabbat shalom.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Awesome Responsibility of Sight Word Bingo

"Ruth had arrived with the slush of spring. She was light, buoyant even, and yet when the midwife first shifted the tiny bundle into his arms he felt as if he might drop her, so heavy was she with helplessness, with the need to be protected at all costs. He knew he could not let her fall, ever, in any way." - Christina Schwarz, "Drowning Ruth"

We're torn, often, between helping and hindering, teaching and allowing.

There's a concept in child-rearing called "natural consequences," in which, if your defiant child refuses to cooperate you send them off into the world with their own poor decision and let the chips fall where they may.

Our cold weather arrived in Las Vegas this week, and Justice, who likes to dress in the lightest fabrics known to science, threw a fifteen minute tantrum yesterday because we wanted her to wear a heavy winter coat to school and she wanted to wear something better suited for a light breeze from the treetops on a sunny Saturday in June. She detested our choice for two reasons. 1. It was our choice and we were telling her what to do, and 2. It was our choice and we were telling her what to do.

Justice doesn't do well yet with understanding we're in charge of her life now. Her incredibly intense and amazingly well-practiced "you're not the boss of me" attitude spans seven years and a few different homes, and as I've said before, she's less than impressed that we're next in line to take a crack at parenting her. She's had parents before, and they all gave her the boot, and frankly, in her world, it makes perfect sense for her to take the reins and look out for numero uno. In other words, the way Justice sees it in her long-hurt head, she'll be damned if she's letting anyone else tell her what she can and can't wear.

So, natural consequences it was.

We let her go off to school in her much-too-light jacket, and sure enough, fifteen minutes after she got there, her teacher, God bless her, told Justice her jacket wasn't up to snuff for such a winter's day, trotted her over to the nearest phone, and made her call home to have us bring her the jacket she defiantly left behind. A pain in the ass for us to turn right around and drive back to school, but mission accomplished, with her teacher's advance understanding of our situation, it was a cooperative example of teaching Justice natural consequences. This morning, with a smattering of yesterday's egg still fresh on her face, she grumbled, but trudged off to school in the heavy jacket we gave her.

This is called ODD, or Oppositional Defiant Disorder. According to Wikipedia (and honestly, what in the world is not described according to Wikipedia anymore?), oppositional defiant disorder is a diagnosis described by the Diagnostic and Statisitical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as an ongoing pattern of anger-guided disobedience and hostilely defiant behavior toward authority figures which goes beyond the bounds of normal childhood behavior. Children suffering from this disorder may appear very stubborn and often angry.

That's our little pumpkin in a nutshell, with a behavior that extends exclusively to us, one that thanksfully she does not exhibit at school. To teachers and other adults, she's a beacon of cooperation. To us, she is as uncooperative and non-compliant as possible. It'll get better, we're told, but for now...c'est la vie..."that's how you get," as Justin would say, for being this far removed in her parenting lineage.

Justin, on the other hand, with his still untreated ADHD, is usually more cooperative, shows much more compassion and remorse when his behaviors lead him astray, and tries to get along with us the best he knows how when his efforts aren't being sabotaged by his sister. "He has a heart of gold," his kindergarten teacher summarized. "He just can't sit still."

So, both of the kids definitely have a healthy smattering of both, but if I had to sum it up, I'd say Justin has a major in ADHD and a minor in ODD, while his sister's course load is exactly the opposite. They're both still unmedicated, which I continue to blame on the monumentally inept Department of Family Services, so we do what we can with therapy and patience until our long-awaited psychiatric appointment on December 18, at which time a doctor will legally "re-prescribe" what another doctor (a non-psychiatrist) already prescribed on October 3, but DFS and the DA's office wouldn't let us administer, due to "standard policy."

When this is all over, remind me to tell you what I think of DFS and the DA's office's "standard policy" and their overall lackluster ability to fully understand and properly take care of the children who are supposed to be in their care.

It's an awesome responsibility to take care of the medical needs of these children when the system is so mired down in generic procedures that serve no individual best interests whatsoever, and in fact, actually hinder new parents who have stepped up to meet their children's incredible challenges. They created these ridiculous prohibitions as a stopgap, so masses of kids aren't overmedicated needlessly, but they do nothing to help the percentage of kids who really do need help, quickly, thoroughly, and in a supervised manner. We've been waiting 67 days now to give our children the medicine their doctor prescribed more than two months ago, for conditions their therapist has been recommeding medicaton for since June, before we even got them.

All hail the brilliant system.

"I feel like nobody in the system has our back anymore," I admitted to our therapist a couple weeks ago. "In fact it's worse than that. Not only do they not have our back, they won't even just stand aside and let me do what any parent should responsibly be doing. Their policies just prevent me at this point from taking proper care of the kids. They don't benefit the children at all."

"You're not the only one to tell me that," she said with a heavy sigh. "I hear that a lot."

So, Justin still can't focus academically. His godsend of a teacher gives him additional structure and help, and she gives our "stuck in the system" status her undying patience. A lesser teacher would have the poor kid banging erasers and sitting in a corner 24/7. But Ms. H is on our team and she knows how the land lies. She knows his meds are on the horizon, and is hanging in there with us, hoping his focus will be improved in his appropriately-treated months ahead. As soon as DFS and the DA/Court system pull their heads out of their collective asses.

Meanwhile at home, we play Sight Word Bingo, hoping to slow down Justin's overactive guessing brain long enough to differentiate between with, what, when, and why. Justin's brain moves too fast impulsively. He can't slow down and take his time. If it starts with a W, no matter what it is, Justin will read it as "was." I could give you a million examples of how ADHD has affected Justin's ability to learn and how we try to circumvent it without the benefit of medicine. This is his second attempt at kindergarten, and if left to DFS and the Courts, he'd be repeating it, what... three? four? five times before we can slow him down enough to read?

On the social and religious front, I'm afraid to take him to our synagogue anymore, which was once a welcome and irrefutable part of our Friday night identity. He can't sit still for an hour-and-a-half of services, and after being cooped up in the child care room for 90 minutes, he certainly can't stand patiently at my side when other kids are running and playing in the courtyard. We can't turn our back for two minutes at the post cookies and coffee dash before we're being chastised by the temple management for letting him "run wild and unsupervised" again, in spite of the fact that six other children are out there jumping around with parents nowhere to be seen. I love my temple, but at this point, Justin is clearly being singled out even when he's not hurting a fly, and since that's the case, it's easier just to keep him at home.

Justice and Justin are still vastly misunderstood by our community as a whole. ODD and ADHD are chalked up by almost everyone we meet as inept parenting, with everyone offering their own version of the easy fix, if we'd only be smart enough to listen.

We get some of the most ridiculous advice. One older member of our congregation told us we could curb Justin's impulsive physical behavior by finding an older boy to beat him up. "That'll set him on the straight and narrow," he said proudly, as if he'd just come up with the perfect solution all by himself, one that's eluded child experts since the beginning of time. Sure. We'll get right on that.

It continues to amaze me, in 2012, how many people think physically beating the shit out of a child is the wisest way to fix him. If that's how it works in your world, good for you. Now get the hell away from my kids.

I don't just want to help and protect him. I get angry at those who stand in my way of doing it, or threaten him harm, even on a hypothetical level. My friend Dawn calls this the Mama Bear Syndrome. You want to feel wrath you've never known before, mess with my cubs.

Another friend of ours - a dear friend, in fact - described Justice to a third party this week as a sociopath. In front of Adam. "She's a socioapth," he told our mutual acquaintance. And Adam, horrified, set him straight. This is the kind of misunderstanding and ignorance we get from friends. Some of them our closest friends. It boggles the mind, this kind of ignorance and stupidity, even from those who know our fledgling family the best.

so-ci-o-path (noun) a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Justice's ODD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder - is many things to us, and quite frankly, a good percentage of them are a healthy pain in the ass - but a sociopath she's not. She doesn't lack conscience. She's just seven and angry at the whole messed-up hand of crap she's been dealt since she was born. Misspeak like that again in my presence, and you'll find out just how dangerous this bear can be when you poke your big stick of ignorance at a cub who's trying her best. This is her fourth go-round, folks. You lose three sets of parent-figures and tell me how cheery you feel when number four shows up and promises to love you.

Remember that pretty song from Sweeney Todd?

Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around
Nothing's gonna harm you, no sir, not while I'm around
Demons are prowling everywhere, nowadays
I'll send 'em howling I don't care, I got ways

No one's gonna hurt you, no one's gonna dare
Others can desert you, not to worry, whistle I'll be there

Demons will charm you with a smile, for a while, but in time
Nothing can harm you. Not while I'm around.

Before I got the kids, I only saw that song as tender and poignant, a pretty lullaby, heartwarming for its protection and nobility. Now that life has made me a father of two children whose nature and nuture have left them lacking in the "normality" many of our friends seem to think they should have in spades by now, I can see how it's prettiness masks an awesome, fearless undertone. It's my duty and obligation to live up to its words. It's a direct challenge from me personally to anyone foolish enough to treat my children poorly or speak of them with anything less than understanding and respect.

Give it a shot, but you won't get away with it on my watch. Not while I'm around.

So December 11, 2012 finds us at six months and three days as a family. Waiting for filing. Waiting for a psychiatrist. Waiting for medication. Waiting for the with, what, when, and why of our lives to settle and clarify. It's an ongoing game of Sight Word Bingo. We practice, we play, we win and we lose.

But even on our worst days, call my daughter a sociopath again, and you're no longer welcome to play on our team.

I don't care how much history we have. Will I give you your walking papers and not even feel nostalgic about it?


"Drowning Ruth" by Christina Schwarz, c.2000 Ballentine Books, Random House, Inc.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Getting Ahead of Ourselves

By Justice Reisman, Age 7
November 22, 2012

My mom and dad help me cook turkey with stuffing inside the turkey. I am inviting people and friends to help us set the table to eat. We all talk about what we did that day. On Thanksgiving, we pass the turkey around the table for everybody to get. My cousins are sitting by me to eat. After dinner, we get to play a game outside. We play on the swing set. My grandma and grandpa are sitting by me to eat dinner. We have a feast around the table. On Thanksgiving, we find the wish bone to have what we want to have. My friends are sitting by me and my brother too.

Dear Justice,

A singer named Cindy Lauper, who's only a heartbeat away in the grand scheme of my history, but is so ancient in your eyes, you've probably never heard of her, sang a song once that started "Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you. Caught up in circles, confusion is nothing new..."

I think about you a lot before I go to sleep at night, little girl. In many ways, you're adapting so well to this strange new world that was thrust upon you. More often than not now, our bedtime is a comforting ritual of stories and squirming, trying to keep your brother's feet off you as you listen to me read "No Matter What" or "In the Night Kitchen," two books that seem particularly spellbinding to you right now.

After we brush our teeth, you and your brother get ice water in a sippy cup, three Ritz crackers in case you get hungry in the night, and a repetitive round of tickling and giggles when the lights go out.

"Is your tickle tank full?" we ask you both, before we go downstairs.

It never is, so we fill it back up again. You like yours in a very precise order. Chin, armpits, collar bone, ribs, tummy, feetsies, and the inside of your knees (your ultimate weakness).

"Why do you call them feetsies?" you asked me last night.

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "Because it's a funny word, I guess. It makes me smile like you make me smile."

"Oh," you said, taking that in. "Okay."

I think you like me now. Or at least you're on your way. Gone are the dismal days where your uprooted rage was raw. Now it's replaced by new things. Wishes and grief. Fantasies and mourning. This is the period of our attachment where you express what you wanted in your heart but never got. Like the mom in your Thanksgiving story who's not really there, you cry the most for what you've lost.

"When children are moved, grief is a natural result, regardless of the quality of care given by the parent figure. Children do not grieve with strangers. They grieve with people who are known to them, sensitive to them, and consistently available to them. Typically, children are drawn into attachment, move into grief work, and then rebound in both joy and attachment." - Attaching in Adoption, Deborah D. Gray.

I'm glad you're moving into your grief work now, beautiful girl. I'm glad you trust us enough to feel safe enough to do it here now.

I totally get it.

I understand why when your brother takes the remote from you, it's now causing ten minutes of the saddest, loneliest, most heart-wrenching sobs I've ever heard from you. Or when you can't have cookies before dinner, you curl up into a ball on the floor and cry out in broken, lost anguish. It's not about cookies and remote controls and what's on the Tivo. It's about the hurt in your heart and a lifetime of loss an adult can barely articulate, much less a seven-year-old girl.

May your beautiful grieving continue, and may you rebound soon in joy and comfort and belonging.

It's completely normal, your therapist tells us, for you to create a fantasy world where a mom still exists for you. When your school work comes home, and you write about your mom and dad in your Thanksgiving essay, we're working hard to be neither hurt or alarmed. Kids your age like to fit the standard mold, she tells us. And if all the other kids are writing about Mom and Dad on Thanksgiving, so will you. And that's likely to continue for a while. And just between the three of us - Dad, Daddy and Justice - no offense taken.

Yesterday, we started filling out the paperwork with your case worker to become your legal parents forever. Our six months as your "foster-to-adopt home" or your "adoptive resource home" or however else they classify our half-year, pre-game limbo, are about to end. In a few more weeks, we can "file," which is such a clinically clerical word for such an important act of love on our part and trust on yours.

So, while it's gearing up to be an incredibly exciting time for Daddy and I, and in the months ahead, we'll be picking up speed, gaining momentum and finally, in our eyes, making progress toward that magical dream of waking up, like Pinocchio, and finally being a real boy, a real girl and a real family, we have to remember not to get ahead of ourselves...because you're still grieving, you're still adapting, and you still come first, in our hearts and our heads and our home.

In our rush to love you, we hope you know you'll always have our permission to take your time in loving us back. Find us in your own way, in your own time. We're not going anywhere.

Sometimes you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead.
You're calling to me, I can't hear what you've said.
You say, "go slow." I fall behind.
The second hand unwinds.

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me,
Time after time.
If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting,
Time after time.

"On Thanksgiving, we find the wish bone to have what we want to have. My friends are sitting by me and my brother too."

In the story you'll write someday in an easier year, Dad and Daddy will be sitting at that picture- perfect table in your mind's eye, too. It will be worth the wait, and we'll be delighted when you finally put us there. Until then, we won't be sad if your stories don't include us yet.

If you fall, we will catch you. We will be waiting.

You're worth it to us, always, and we'll give you our love.

Time after time.

"Time After Time" ©1984 Cyndi Lauper, from the Epic album "She's so Unusual"

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Vowel Movement

My daddy left home when I was three.
He didn't leave much to ma and me.
'Cept this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze.
Now, I don't blame him cause he run and hid,
But the meanest thing that he ever did
Was before he left, he went and named me Sue.

  - Johnny Cash, "A Boy Named Sue," by Shel Silverstein

Justuce's birth mom, before she "departed the pattern" as my friend Miz Chappell would say, saddled our little girl with a hell of an interesting name. "Justuce," with a second "u" was given to her, theortetically I'm told, so she'd always remember how unique she was.

And if that wasn't enough to seal the deal -- and believe me, it was -- she also made her middle name Unique. And by that, I don't mean "her middle name is a bit rare." I mean it's Unique. As in the actual word.

Oy vey. Put that in your baby naming book and smoke it, huh?

I appreciate the sentiment, but I have to tell you, that's a hell of a personalized moniker to stamp on a little girl before you shuffle off to Buffalo. As far as "Who in the Class Has the Goofiest Name?" it's a guaranteed pass to the front of the line.

The following conversation actually took place between my mom and my cousin Danny.

Mom: Justuce's middle name is Unique.
Dan: Really? What is it?
Mom: It's Unique.
Dan: I know, but what is it?
Mom: It's Unique.

This Abbott and Costello flashback would have gone on ad infinitum, if it weren't for the fact that the clouds eventually cleared and Danny, God bless his healthy frontal lobe, figured out Who's on First.

This is all prelude to the fact that we've been very respectful of keeping J1's name intact. There is great debate within the adoption literature. Some camps insist that a child's first and middle names should remain firmly untouched to honor their important sense of self-worth, history and identity, while some say a changed first or middle name can be an important rite of passage, and help the child move into a smooth transition and a more confident, self-assured place in their new and changing world. Six of one, half dozen of the other. Psychiatrists, you should really get together and have a meeting on this someday.

We decided to play it safe and let J1 take the lead. Because honestly, our initial reaction before we met her, when we first saw her name in print, was "holy smokes, that name has got to go," upon which we were thoroughly and deservedly chastised by Adam's sister Jodi, who reminded us you just can't take the white-out to a little girl because you think her name is wonky. Too bad, dad. That's who she's been for seven years of her life, and by God, that's who she gets to be until she tells you otherwise. Thank you, Jodi. Slap deserved.

It became a moot point anyway, because as soon as we met Justuce, we were so instantly enamored with the unmatched individualtity of who she actually was, this beautiful defiant sandstorm, this hurricane, this little force of nature, the fact that she had a first and middle name that took a walk on the wild side seemed utterly appropriate and only so much icing on the cake. The girl's spirit is peerless, and her name, odd to us at first, seemed to fit her like a glove.

But here's what happens when names play out in the real world. A little girl who's seven years old only wants to be unique for so long. At seven, it's about being normal. It's about fitting in. When the uninvited albatross of adoption hangs heavily over your head and you have the added brand-oddity of two dads instead of a dad and a mom, it's also about dignity, and a little bit of self-control in your spiralling-crazy world. In short, it's about not having to feel weirder in any other way, or having to tell your friends why your name is spelled funny or correcting grown-ups over and over again. It's about just being regular for once. Unspectacularly, blessedly normal, with no conversations, no explanations, no red flags every time you write your name on a paper.

Justuce came home from school one day last week and let us know from now on she was going to be Justice, with an "i." She'd already started writing it the "new" standard way on her school papers and told her teacher she was going to change it. A quick communication with the school sealed the deal.

While she was at it, J1 also informed us she was ready to dump Unique. She'd been considering it for quite some time -- since she moved in with us, actually. All four of her foster sisters, when they were adopted, chose new middle names with their parents' help, and to Justice, this "right to pick a new name" was an important, normal step of being adopted. From the earliest days, we knew Unique's days were numbered, we just didn't know what it's replacement would be.

She tried on many hats. She rolled them around on her tongue, savoring, testing and tasting. For a while, it looked like we were leaning toward "Ashlen," one of her sisters in foster care. "Kaelen," "Jaeden," and "Madisen" were also in the mix. They were her other three foster sisters. It made me smile sweetly to think she was looking for a way to bring them with her into her new world and keep them with her for the rest of her days.

But in the end, she decided to go in a direction we didn't predict. She decided she liked "Rachel," which is her Hebrew name, given by her grandmother, and one she's had since birth. Her brother had no middle name when he came to us, so we gave him "Benjamin." Its Hebrew form, "Binyamin," will be his Jewish name. Justice decided, by making hers "Rachel," the set would be complete.

So, there you go folks.

Justin Benjamin Reisman.

Justice Rachel Reisman.

Both names will be legal and coming soon to an adoption finalization hearing near you. We're just starting to fill out our hearing paperwork with the case worker now. ETA, just a few more months to go.

So, now we're busy changing a bunch of pre-existing "U's" to some new-and-improved "I's." You'd be surprised how much there is to do.

For starters, I had to go to Michael's Crafts and Gifts and buy a big wooden "I" and paint it pink, to replace the big wooden "U" in the craft letters hanging on her bedroom wall.

Incidentally, there's something you will never hear a straight dad say, ever. "I had to go to Michael's Crafts and Gifts and buy a big wooden "I" and paint it pink." Just pointing that out.

I have to change her to "Justice" with family and friends, on family address labels, on her homework folder, on her little bench under the desk in her room, on her backpack strap, on her Wii character. God help me if I forget to change her Wii character.

It's kind of fun, this vowel movement. But it's even more gratifying that she's picked her identity. She's evolving into her new family by honoring her past, but telling all of us quite clearly, she won't be branded. She'll be in charge of who she is, thank you very much. And I like that.

He said: "Son, this world is rough
And if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough
And I knew I wouldn't be there to help you along.
So I give you that name and I said goodbye
I knew you'd have to get tough or die
And it's the name that helped to make you strong.

He said, "Now you just fought one hell of a fight
And I know you hate me, and you got the right
To kill me now, and I wouldn't blame you if you do.
But you ought to thank me, before I die,
For the gravel in your guts and the spit in your eye
Cause I'm the (bleep) that named you "Sue."

Thank you, birth mom, but she'll take it from here.

She doesn't need the word "unique" in her name anymore to know that she is.

Justice Rachel Reisman will be just fine. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I Now Pronounce You Hoovy and Hoovy

"Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togevah today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wuv, twue wuv, wiw fowwow you foevah and evah. So tweasuwe youwuh wuv."
-The Impressive Clergyman, "The Princess Bride"

Adam and I have been married so many times now, it's becoming a habit.

We registered as domestic partners the day it became legal in the State of Nevada. That was October 1, 2009. And honestly, I'm still not entirely sure what "domestic partner" means. To me, that sounds like when we paired off to bake cookies back in middle school Home Ec.

But domestic partners it'll have to be because, God forbid, here in the good old USA, legally calling ourselves husbands would not only endanger the inherent rights of all the straight folks, but would somehow mysteriously open the door to men marrying goats and grandparents marrying their grandkids, which of course, anyone can see are the next logical rungs on the socio-evolutionary ladder if you let a couple of gay guys trot down the aisle and call it normal.

A couple years later, wanting something with a little more legal oomph under our belt, we decided to hop-skip-and-a-jump over to a nearby nation that actually does let people marry people based on simple crazy concepts like, you Canada) where we had a brief but charming ceremony in a Best Western right outside the Richmond Airport. When we talk about this, we refer to it as being married in Vancouver, British Columbia, because it has a much nicer ring to it, but really, it was Best Western Richmond and our reception was held at the Costco across the street. We had pizza and cake and made it home in time for dinner.

But Canada, stubborn as it seems, gives our marriage an international portability. For you straight folks, here's how it works. You get married in America, you're still married when you go to France. For us gay folks, it's a little trickier. If we get married in New York, we're not necessarily married in Israel. For ours to transfer from one country to the next, we needed a country that allowed us to get married, hands-down, in the first place. And since America and the Arab States are pretty much the only countries left that don't allow gay people to marry each other, we had to roll the dice and take our chances with our great white neighbor to the north.

And now, we're getting married again, this time in Las Vegas, this time in a traditional Jewish ceremony. Or as traditional as you can make it anyway, since the whole Jewish ceremony is largely based on the bride twirling around the groom, the seven blessings talking about brides galore, and the groom breaking the glass at the end. God bless the Jews, but as far as the standard wedding ceremony goes, the gender roles are pretty well nailed down.

Luckily, we've got a rabbi and two cantors who weren't afraid to tweak the neccessary text required to let Groom 1 and Groom 2 tie the knot, sign the ketubah and dance the hora in front of God, country, and a temple full of friends. We are the first same-sex couple to be married at Temple Sinai, I believe, and we couldn't be happier, because everybody there's been supportive of us since day one. They threw us a baby shower when we got the kids. The mens club threw us a bachelor party, for Pete's sake. There's a mind bender. 80-year-old Jewish guys patting a couple of gay guys on the back and wishing them a long and happy marriage. Well done, Union for Reform Judaism, well done. Dylan was right. They times, they most definitely are.

So, on November 21 at 5 o'clock, the 16th anniversary of the day I moved to Vegas, the first anniversary of our Canadian civil ceremony and (almost) the third anniversary of our domestic partnership, all bases will now be covered, legally, legislatively, internationally and Judaically, and Adam and I will now pronounce us man Or Hoovy and Hoovy, if you ever wondered what we call each other. That comes from "Ahuvi." Hebrew for "my love.

He brought me to the banquet room
and his banner of love was over me.
Sustain me with raisin cakes,
refresh me with apples
for I am faint with love.
 - Song of Songs 2:4-5
We're kind of giggly-thinking we'll get married once a year in a different state now that we've got the three big ones out of the way. Sooner or later, one of them might legally stick in America, and in the meantime, who doesn't like a good wedding? It's a hard habit to break.
So, thanks to everyone for your cards, gifts, friendship and support. We are faint with love and awash with gratitude for all of you who joined us as we pieced together the bonds of matrimony, one little step at a time.
The kids are excited they get to make a grand entrance by riding their scooters down the aisle, and I'm pretty sure we're going to need about forty strong bodybuilders to lift me in a chair, but other than that, I think we're all set.
Break the glass. Mazel tov. See you on the other side.